Terms of Card Use

Terms of Use of Privileged Discount Card (QR CODE) TAKTAK CARD

    • A1. Any natural person over the age of 18 can be accepted as a Member of the "TAKTAK CARD - DISCOUNT CARD" (beneficiary). TAKTAK CARD I.K.E has the right to accept or reject, at its absolute discretion, any application for Member registration If the application of a prospective Member for registration on taktak.gr is accepted by TAKTAK CARD I.K.E >TAKTAK CARD I.K.E the Member's registration will be deemed to have taken place on the card issue date. This date will be hereinafter referred to as the "start date". At the end of the predetermined time, the card will have to be renewed, since it will no longer have any validity. The applicant will become a Member and will be entitled to the special discounts - privileges if he receives, the unique per member - subscriber card (QR CODE TAKTAK CARD) VIA MOBILE PHONE.
    • A2. TAKTAK CARD I.K.E has the right to make telephone or other personal contact with the applicant-holders to verify their personal details.
    • B1. The status of Member of "TAKTAK CARD" and any rights in general arising from it are strictly personal, inalienable and non-transferable to any third party.
    • B2. Obligation of the Member-holder, in order to have access to the privileges-discounts as agreed between TAKTAK CARD I.K.E and the companies collaborating with it, is to show and use the personal TAKTAK Member card CARD ( QR CODE CARD) before the provision of the good or service and the payment of the bill, and especially in the focus due to special conditions of ordering and direct debit, while the business has the obligation to check the ( QR CODE CARD ) VIA MOBILE that is in force – active for the provision of privileges – discounts. A necessary condition is that the contract with the company has not been terminated, the card is valid and its use has not been suspended for any reason. Otherwise, the cooperating company has the right to refuse the provision of its privilege - discount.
    • B3. Each Member is obliged to follow the usual rules of operation of each venue as well as the conditions set by the cooperating businesses for bookings, keeping timetables, providing services, etc.
    • 3.1. Once the Member registration application has been completed and the amount specified by TAKTAK CARD I.K.E has been paid, as detailed in condition 4 (compensation for the right to participate), the Member is granted the use of a Member card which will provides the rights to privileges - discounts, which will apply when purchasing the card.
    • 3.2. The Membership card is not a credit or debit card and therefore the Member-holder, with its appearance, cannot carry out commercial or monetary transactions,(IT IS NOT A BANKING PRODUCT) The Member-holder TAKTAK CARD (QR CODE CARD) is entitled to the privileges - discounts, as these will be agreed between TAKTAK CARD I.K.E and the companies collaborating with it and will be communicated to him through website of www.taktak.gr. Under no circumstances can the Membership card and the privileges and discounts be returned for money.
    • For purchases, pick up or consumption in the store and for services depending on their nature in the store or in the place indicated by the member.
    • 3.3. The initial duration of the card is determined exclusively by TAKTAK CARD I.K.E, with the possibility of renewal. The Member has the right to renew the card without limitation and each time for as long as TAKTAK CARD I.K.E defines.
    • 3.4 The Member is strictly prohibited from lending or granting the use of the Member card to any third party.
    • 3.5. In case of loss of the card, the Member submits a new application and a new card is issued with the specific duration from the date of issue of the original lost card, free of charge if it is valid, or charged the corresponding fee if it has expired. At the same time, the Member is obliged to declare the loss of the old card, so that it can be cancelled.
    • 4.1. A condition for issuing and sending the Member card is the payment of the consideration by the Member. The time period for granting the right to privileges - discounts is for a monthly subscription instead of the consideration - price of 6 euros for the TAKTAK CARD card and 15 euros for the TAKTAK CARD PREMIUM including 24% VAT.
    • 4.2. To renew the validity period of the Membership card, the Member shall renew the TAKTAK CARD ( QR CODE CARD) card without needing to register again. TAKTAK CARD I.K.E reserves the right to change or modify the conditions for renewing the membership card by informing the Members via the website www.taktak.gr
    • 4.3. The consideration for acquiring the right to use the card covers the administrative costs of the Member's registration, card issuance costs and VAT. For this reason, under no circumstances is it returned by TAKTAK CARD I.K.E nor offset against any claims of the Member.
  6. At the end of the specified duration of the Member's participation, if the Member wishes to extend his participation for a further period of time, he must renew his membership, before the expiry date indicated on the Member's card, by paying the consideration again for the right to participate for its renewal period, while he will receive an email before the end to inform him.

  8. The Member acknowledges, accepts and unconditionally declares that

    • 6.1 TAKTAK CARD I.K.E has the right at any time to modify, revoke or replace part of the privileges - discounts with others or to discontinue this one at any time, after timely notification of the Members via the electronic address www.taktak.gr In the event that such a modification, replacement or cancellation takes place, the Member shall not acquires for this reason no right to compensation, nor any other claim against TAKTAK CARD I.K.E or its cooperating companies.
    • 6.2 TAKTAK CARD I.K.E has entered into written agreements with the cooperating companies, but bears no responsibility for the correctness or completeness of any information regarding the privileges - discounts offered by the partner companies and for the descriptions of the goods and services provided by them, which are presented on the website  www.taktak.gr  or included in any advertising material related to TAKTAK CARD (QR CODE CARD)  or the TAKTAK CARD I.K.E . All this information is recorded by the cooperating companies or based on information provided by them and which will be fully responsible for this information. 
    • 6.3 TAKTAK CARD I.K.E bears no responsibility for any failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of the obligations of the cooperating companies, as well as for any possible negligence or any loss, damage or damage to any person, Member or third party or to any property resulting in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, from the receipt, acceptance, possession, use or misuse of any good or service from the services provided by the affiliated companies or products.
    • 6.4 TAKTAK CARD (QR CODE CARD) Members will be informed about the privileges - discounts at the premises of the cooperating businesses that participate as well as about the time when the above applies means (special signage in businesses in any promotional material, discount catalog that may be distributed, etc.) and in any case through the website  www.taktak .gr In the same way, the TAKTAK CARD (QR CODE CARD) members are notified of the possible interruption of the participation of a business or the addition of a new one, while no responsibility is assumed for the length of stay of any business.
    • 6.5 TAKTAK CARD I.K.E does not make any assurances or representations, does not provide any guarantees regarding any goods or services that may be purchased or used by any partner business . 
    • 6.6 The provision of any privilege - discount depends on the availability of the particular, each time, business.
    • 6.7 Cardholders should submit any complaints they may have in relation to goods or services to the business providing the relevant goods or services.
  10. The Member acknowledges, accepts and unconditionally declares that it agrees with the following:

    H www.taktak.gr under the management of the company under the name TAKTAK CARD I.K.E based in HERACLEIO CRETE, street P. MELA 52 P.K. 71395, with Tax Identification Number: 802448431 DOU HERACLEIOU, is the Data Controller of the personal data collected from you during your visit-participation in the Website and when using the company's online services. Personal data is considered to be all information, which directly or indirectly deals with you or can deal with you. TAKTAK CARD I.K.E considers and treats the protection of your private privacy very seriously and has taken all the necessary measures in order to safeguard you in terms of the security and the observance of the confidentiality of the information concerning the visitors/users-members of the services of the Website .

    The following terms of this Personal Data Protection Policy (Privacy Policy), which is an integral part of the Terms of Use www.taktak.gr, concern the use of it and its services by visitors as well as by registered users – members of our online services, such as are described in detail in the terms of use. The use of www.taktak.gr and the registration to our services, implies the unconditional acceptance, consent, consent, approval and agreement on the part of visitors/users - members with the terms of use and this Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy that we follow.

    We inform you about the data we process and store when you use it www.taktak.gr and how we use this data. This Privacy Policy is a place to inform data subjects in accordance with articles 13 – 14 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation 679/2016. By accepting this protection policy, you agree to the collection, processing and use of personal data by TAKTAK CARD I.K.E, in accordance with the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data and the following terms of use: We recommend that you carefully read this Personal Data Protection Policy/Privacy Policy, to be informed about the information collected from you when you visit www.taktak. gr as well as when you use its services, how they may be used and shared, how this information is protected and what your rights are. We inform you that you have the right to withdraw your consent to the collection and processing of your personal data at any time, without affecting the legality of the processing of your personal data by www.taktak.gr . If you wish to withdraw your consent, you can contact us at info@taktak.gr

    This Privacy Policy applies only to the site www.taktak.gr and its online services. and covers all the personal data of visitors - users - members collected during the visit and use of its services. Also, the Privacy Policy covers the conditions for the collection, processing and management of the personal data of visitors - users for www.taktak.gr If the visitors - users - members who do not agree with these terms must not continue with their registration and account creation or request their Exclusion Procedure as you analyze in the section PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION POLICY - PRIVACY POLICY which you are required to read before your registration.

    • 8.1. TAKTAK CARD I.K.E has the right to cancel its services at any time after notifying the Members in time via the www.taktak website .gr
    • 8.2. TAKTAK CARD I.K.E reserves the right to unilaterally modify any term of this contract. Any such modification will be notified to the Member by any convenient means chosen and in any case, by announcements on the website of www.taktak.gr
    • 8.3. If for any reason TAKTAK CARD I.K.E modifies part or all of the terms herein and the services of www.taktak.gr as well as TAKTAK CARD (QR CODE CARD) or ceases and cancels the issuance and use of the card, the Member has no claim for compensation or any other claim against TAKTAK CARD I.K.E.
    • 9.1. TAKTAK CARD I.K.E. is not responsible if, for any reason beyond its control, www.taktak.gr is unable to provide its services.
    • 9.2. TAKTAK CARD I.K.E reserves the right to modify, add or remove services provided through www.taktak.gr at at its absolute discretion, at any time.
    • 9.3. The conditions of participation are an integral part of the registration or renewal application and are posted in full analysis on the website  www.taktak.gr  and the Member must fully comply with them.
    • 9.4. Any dispute that may arise in relation to TAKTAK CARD I.K.E and the application of these terms will be resolved exclusively by the Courts of Heraklion, Crete and in accordance with Greek Law.
    • 9.5. The electronic submission of the registration or renewal application is considered acceptable as a signed document.
    • 9.6. Each identification code included in the electronic form (registration or renewal application) is sufficient to certify the identity of the sender and the authenticity of the document.


Valid until 1/12